Why send greeting cards? Does it matter if we send each other greeting cards on all those different occasions? When we were in the process of starting the Kashima online store we asked ourselves few questions.
Why should people buy our cards?
Why do people generally give each other cards?
Our answers are easy and simple:
We use greeting cards to celebrate each other on all the important occasions of our lives. It is important to celebrate each other, give complements, sympathize, just to remember each other.
So we believe that:
"The world is a better place when we remember each other"
As for why people should buy our cards.
Why not?
They are beautiful, the design is simple and clean. It is easy to buy our cards online and get them delivered few days later.
To make everyone's live a little easier we sell card bundles with different selections of cards. That way you can stock up on greeting cards for different occasions and have them at a ready at home.