This is a photo I took on the 12th of June 2022 in Blönduós, Iceland. I have no idea what plant this is, but it was everywhere at that time. I would probably recognize it when it is blooming but I decided I like it in this stage and didn't bother to find out more.
The family was driving back to Reykjavík from a visit to the island I grew up on, Hrísey. There we had spent the weekend with my family, celebrating the Fisherman's day, an Icelandic tradition. Our girls where playing on the school playground to take a break from the car and I took a little walk by the river and took a lot of pictures. When we got home I chose this one to work with, I don't know why, something was just right about it.
You can see the results in our Weed collection:

These greeting cards can be used for lots of different occasions, with a clean yet colorful design. All of our cards come with an envelope packed in a cello bag. When we ship our cards we use cardboard envelopes to protect the cards in shipping so that they make it all the way to your home in perfect condition.